Mobile Application

VLBI Software Soluationdevelop custom mobile application development to suit your needs perfectly. We are a friendly team with experience in developing world class mobile applications to suit your needs and requirements. More and more people are using their mobile phone to search their preferred products or services worldwide. So your business presence in mobile platforms is seriously important if you are planning to use technology to your advantage.

We develop mobile applications for :

  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Windows mobile/windows CE
  • Blackberry
  • Symbian OS
  • Palm OS

We design user friendly and multi-browser compatible mobile website to target your mobile customers. In recent years, mobile browsing has grown up considerably and people are using mobile phones to search products and services online. Nxtlogic provides world class mobile websites to the customers.

DataBase Design

VLBI Software Soluation create Open Source and customized online databases for businesses that strive for operational efficiency, enhanced user experience, higher customer satisfaction and new revenue channels. Our approach on developing databases ensures that your business applications provide enough data integrity and that there is reliable integration with other existing applications. Web IT Expert’s database consultants can help you evaluate your custom database needs and our database developers can build a database-driven website tailored to the exact needs of your business.

We are expertise in the following:

  • Database design
  • Custom database development and programming
  • Database integration and conversion
  • Database management and administration
  • Database maintenance and support

- Get In Touch

We offer high-quality and reliable software services that are reasonably priced thus offering the best ROI and client satisfaction .

Our Location

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

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