Enterprise & Digital marketing Services

VLBI Software Soluation believes that marketing organisation that improve their process and improving the measurability of their marketing operations and increasing their revenues

We provide end to end solutions to plan , budget ,execute and measure their inbound and outbound ,conventional and digital marketing campaigns.

Our Services to Enterprise Marketing Management :

  • Campaign management across all channels (social media, Web, mobile, traditional)
  • Customer experience management (pre-sale research, post-sale follow up, and so on)
  • Analysis of campaigns, including conversions and other important factors
  • Management of marketing resources (budgets, people and so on)

New social media marketing capabilities that combine Unica and Coremetrics to turn social media into a channel for targeted, one-to-one marketing messages : New social media analytics and execution capabilities allow you to broadcast messages or send personalized messages to Facebook or Twitter accounts and initiate real-time offers based on interaction history. Learn More about IBM Coremetrics Social Analytics and other EMM Social Media Capabilities

Integrated real-time marketing capabilities, including a new way to use Coremetrics product recommendations and Unica real-time interaction management capabilities together : Recommends products and offers in real-time to drive increases in cross-sell and average order size. Learn More about Product Recommendation Solutions and Content Recommendations

New “post-click” email analytics show a closed loop view of email opens and click-throughs sent by Unica, and uses Coremetrics digital analytics to show what the email recipient did online after clicking Helps marketers better optimize their email campaigns. Learn More about IBM Email Marketing Solutions

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We offer high-quality and reliable software services that are reasonably priced thus offering the best ROI and client satisfaction .

Our Location

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

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